比較構文 comparison:
原級(positive degree)・比較級(comparative degree)・最上級(superlative degree)
規則比較変化(regular comparison)・不規則比較変化(irregular comparison)
〔不規則比較変化の例〕 old / older / oldest : old / elder / eldest little / less / least
many/much / more / most bad,badly/ill / worse / worst
late / later / latest : late / latter / last well-known / better-known / best-known
far / farther / farthest : far / further / furthest
○free/freer/freest // 3音節以上の語や–ful / -less / -able / -ous / -ive / -ingなどで終わる語はmore~ / most~。ただし、本来~erとなる形容詞にmoreを使い、「BというよりむしろA」に注意。
〔例〕She is shier than her sister. She is more shy than unsocial.=She is shy rather than unsocial. (姉より恥ずかしがりやだ。) (付き合いが悪いというよりむしろ恥ずかしがりやだ。)
(a)substantial(十分な・しっかりした・実質的な)/ charismatic / famousなど
3音節以上の語や–ful / -less / -able / -ous / -ive / -ingなどで終わる語は
more~ / most~。
(cf) doleful, dolefuller, dolefullest(陰鬱な・いたましい)
(b) un, imなどの否定の接頭語がついて3音節になった語は、-er / -est
〔注意〕polite/politer : impolite/impoliter happy/happier : unhappy/unhappier
〔注意〕well-known, better-known, best-known / friendly, friendlier, friendliest /
slowly, more slowly, most slowly
(c)程度の差を示すmuch(ずっと), very much, far, by far, a great deal, a little, twice,
three timesなどの語句は、比較級の前につける
〔例〕much bigger(ずっと大きい)
much(たいそう・ずっと) / far(はるかに) / a great/good deal(大いに) / a lot / lots / a little(少し) / by far(ずっと) / still / even / twice (=two times) / three years (three years senior to her = three years her senior, older than she by three years, her senior by three years)
(cf) twice as ~ as, two times as ~ as,
twice the size/length/height/number/weight of ~
This pole is twice as long as that one over there.
This pole is twice the length of that one over there.
She has twice as many books as I have.
She has twice the number of books that I have.
Your house is three times as large as mine.
Your house is three times larger than mine. (half, twiceは比較表現不可)
Your house is three times the size of mine.
by far(ずば抜けて) / very (本当に・紛れもない) / much(非常に・ずっと) /
~ possible (できるだけ・この上ない) / ~ imaginable (想像しうる限りの) / 序数
She is by far the best singer in her class. = She is the very best singer in her class.
・それはすべての中で、ずば抜けてよい。It’s much the best of all. / It’s the very best of all.
③原級の程度を表す場合:twice as ~ as, two times as ~ as, (=twice the size of ~
/ two times the size of ~ / two times the number of ~ / two times the length of ~ / two times the weight of ~/ two times the height of ~) / half as ~ as
This river is half as wide as the Thames.(テムズ川の半分ぐらいの幅)
(2)通常の比較級を相対比較級(relative comparative)といい、比較する相手が明らかでなく、
絶対比較級(absolute comparative)という。
〔例〕the younger generation(若い世代) / the greater part of the city(市の大部分)
/ the higher classes(上流階級) / the weaker sex(女性)
(3)比較級+to ~: be superior to ~(~より優れている)/ be inferior to ~(~より劣っている)
/ be senior to ~ (~より年上だ)/ be junior to ~(~より若い) / be senior to ~(より年上である)
/ be préferable to ~(より望ましい)など。
・She is three years senior to me. (彼女は私よりも3歳年上だ。)=She is three yeas my senior.
=She is senior to me by three years. = She is three years younger than I.=She is six years my senior.
(4)the+比較級+of the two:(2つのうちでは~)
・You are two inches the taller of the two.
・Iron is the more useful of the two.(鉄のほうが役に立つ。)
(5)同一物・同一人物のもつ異なった性質を比較するとき、more ~をrather ~の意味に用いる。
・He is more clever than industrious.(勉強家というよりむしろ、利口者だ。)
(cf)He is cleverer than you.[heとyouとを比較している]
・He was more dead than alive.(彼はまるで死んだようであった。)
(6)前位の付加的用法(限定用法)で~erを用いる形容詞でも、後位の付加的用法または叙述的用法(叙述用法)の場合、more ~になるものがある。
・I never saw a dog more clever than this.(これより賢い犬を見たことがない。)
・I’m more fond of English than French.(フランス語より英語の方が好きだ。)
・The success in his business made him still more rich.
・The wisest man sometimes makes a mistake.(どんな賢明な人でさえ、間違いをする。)
= No matter how wise a man may be, he sometimes makes a mistakes.
= However wise a man may be, he sometimes makes a mistakes.(不定冠詞の位置に注意)
・The strongest man in the world couldn’t lift up this rock.
・This lake is deepest at this point.(この湖は、ここが一番深い。)
・He is happiest at home with his wife and children.(妻子と共にいるときが最も幸せだ。)
・The actor looks happiest when he is driving his fancy car.(運転中は嬉しそうに見える。)
・Most fame is fleeting.(およそ名声とは、はかないものだ。)
〔注意〕most ~(限定されない)大半の~=almost all ~(Most Japanese like sushi.)
(cf) most of the ~ (限定された特定の)の大半=almost all (of) the ~
③「とても」を表すa most:
・He is a most learned[lə:nid] man in our town.(町ではとても学のある人だ。)
・He runs [the] fastest of them all.
・Here is a French government tip on how best to do business with the Chinese:
・A rose is prettiest in the morning.(薔薇は朝が一番美しい。)
(cf) A rose is the prettiest [flower] of all the flowers.
・She looks happiest in her class.(授業を受けているときが一番嬉しそうだ。)
(cf) She is the prettiest [girl] in her class.
・Which do you find most interesting?(一番面白そうなのはどれですか。)
(cf) Which is the most interesting [one]?
・The cherry blossoms are at their best now.(桜の花は今が見ごろだ。)
・Shakespeare, England’s most beloved and respected dramatist.
・My elder/older (US) brother is older than I by ten years.(兄は私より10歳年上だ。)
= ~ is ten years older than I. / This box is two times [twice] as large as that one.
・He is three years junior to me. =I am three years senior to him.
=I’m older than he by three years. =I’m his senior by three years.
=I’m three years his senior. =He is my junior by three years.
= He is three years my junior.
a later event (最近・近ごろのできごと) / the latter event(今度の出来事)
in the later years of his Tokyo life (東京での生活の末年に)
during the latter half of his Tokyo life (東京での生活の後半で)
the latest news from him (最近のニュース)/
the last news from him(最後の消息)
It couldn’t be better. / Couldn’t be better.(これ以上望みようがありません。もう、ばっちりです。)
・I can’t go farther than this.(これ以上遠くへはいけない。) /
・I can’t go any further.(もうこれ以上先へは行けない。)
・I prefer math to English. =I like math better than English.
・many more people / much more water
(「many more+可算名詞」と「much more+不可算名詞」とを区別)
all the better for~(ますます) / all the more for ~, all the more because SV.(~だからかえって、ますます) / all the same(それでもやはり)
/ none the less for ~, none the less because SV.(~にかかわらずやはり)/ (ますます悪く)all the worse / (ますます)all the+比較級
(cf)nonetheless, nevertheless(それにもかかわらず)
・She says she loves him all the more for his character.
・I love him all the more because she has faults.
・I respect him none the less because he was uneducated.
as ~ as
・This question is not as difficult a question as it seemed.
as best (as) one can/may(できるだけ・精一杯) (cf)so/as/too/how + 形+ a/an ~の語順に注意
・I hope you will work as best you can.(精一杯働いて欲しい。)
as fast as possible(できるだけ速く) = as fast as one can
as busy as ever(相変わらず忙しい) / as large again as that(2倍の大きさ)
as many as ~/ as much as ~(もの多くの~)
(cf) like so many ~sまるで~のように・同数の~のように・さながら~のように
・There were as many as five hundred students present.(500人もの生徒が出席した。)
・He earns as much as one million dollars a week.(1週間に100万ドルも稼ぐ。)
・The boys were swimming in the pond like so many frogs.
as many ~(同数の~)
・He made five spelling mistakes in as many lines.(5行に5か所、綴りを間違えた。)
・He made ten mistakes in as many lines.(10行に10か所間違えた。)
as many/much as ~(~もの)= no less than ~
・He can memorize as many as 50 numbers at a time. (彼は一度に50もの数字を記憶できる。)
・Can you pay as much as 100 dollars for the stamp?(その切手に100ドルも支払うことができますか。)
・Jack paid me as much as 10,000 dollars. =Jack paid me no less than 10,000 dollars.
as ~ as any …(どの…にも劣らず・誰にもまして)
・She is as kind a girl as any.(誰にもまして親切だ。)
・This dictionary is as helpful as any I have ever used.(今まで使ったどの辞典にも劣らず。)
as ~ as ever(相変わらず)/as ~ as ever lived/was(今までにないほど)
・She looked as young as ever.(相変わらず若く見える。)
・He is as poor as ever.(相変わらず貧しい。)
・He is as great a scientist as ever lived/was. 〔語順注意〕
= He is the greatest scientist that ever lived.
as ~ as can be(この上もなく)
・The landscape is as beautiful as can be.(景色はこの上もなく美しい。)
at (the) ~est(最も~でも)
・He is at best a second-rate actor.(せいぜい二流の俳優といったところだ。)
・At (the) worst, our lives are dafe.(どう転んでも、命だけは大丈夫だ。)
・We walked three miles at [the] most in the morning.(せいぜい3マイルしか歩かなかった。)
・Come back by ten at [the] latest.(遅くても10時までに)
・It will take me at least five hours to get there.(少なくても5時間かかる。)
at one’s best(最もよい状態で・全盛で)
・The cherry blossoms were at their best when we visitied the park.(桜は満開だった。)
be superior to ~(より優れている) / be inferior to ~(より劣っている)
be junior to ~(より年下である) / be senior to ~(より年上である)
be préferable to ~(より望ましい)
・Your English is superior to mine.(私よりずっと上手だ。)
・This wine is inferior to that in flavor.(味はあのワインよりもこのワインの方が劣る。)
in less than an hour (1時間もしないうちに)
do one’s best(最善を尽くす)/ The more the better.(多ければ多いほどよい。)
know better than to do(~するほど愚かではない・もっと分別がある)
・I know better than to buy something like that.(私はそんなものを買うほど愚かではない。)
=I’m not so stupid as to buy something like that.
・I know better than to quarrel.(喧嘩するような馬鹿ではない。)
・(cf) Nothing pays better than to be kind [does].(人に親切にするのがいちばん得だ。)
much more ~ / still more ~(まして~はなおさらだ) [肯定文のあとに] 〔現代英語にはない〕
much less ~ / still less ~(ましてなおさら~ない=let alone, to say nothing of) [否定文のあとに]
・She can speak French, much more English.(英語はなおさらのことである・英語は言うまでもない。)
・She can’t speak English, much less French.
= She can’t speak English, let alone French.
= She can’t speak English, to say nothing of French.
・I did not even speak to her, much less discuss your personal problems with her.
make/get the most of~ (最大限に利用する)
make the best of~ (できるだけ有効に使う・せいぜい利用する)
more and more (ますます・だんだん・次第に)
・More and more people have begun to study Japanese.
・As we went on, we saw more and more.(進むにつれて多くのものを目にした。)
・As time went on, it seems to become more and more difficult.
more than ~ (~以上) (注意)100超more than 100 / 100以上 100 or more /100以下100 or less / 100未満less than 100
〔例外〕・20歳以上over 20(21歳以上ではない)
・20か月以下less than 21 months / 20 months old or younger
more than enough(十二分に)
・You have done more than enough for him.(彼にはそれだけしてやれば十分だ。)
more than ever / ~er than ever(以前よりもいっそう~・これまでよりも~)
・It was raining harder than ever.(以前よりも激しく降っていた。)
・In the 21 century, we can expect scientific advances to give more people than ever the means of leading a comfortable and easy life.
more or less(多少・いくらか)=to some degree
・She was more or less excited at the news.(いくらか興奮していた。)
(cf for ten more years) (もう10年間)=for another ten years(anotherは単数扱いだが、
数詞とともにまとまりを表すときは複数にする・anotherはa, anとともに使用不可・
anotherの意味はone more / different / similar)
none the less(それにもかかわらず)
・She has many faults, but I love her none the less.(欠点が多いが、それでもやはり)
none the less for ~(~だからといって少しも…ない)☞all the more for ~の否定形
・A good tale is none the worse for being twice told.(よい話は2度語られたといって少しも悪くない。)
one other than ~(にほかならぬ・まさしく)
・The man I saw was one other than the President himself.
no better than~(も同然)(=as bad as)
・He is no better than a beggar.(乞食も同然である。)=He is as bad as a beggar.
not do other than ~(してばかりいる)
・She would not do other than complain about it.(そのことについてこぼしてばかりいた。)
nothing other than ~(だけしか・ただ~のみ)=nothing but ~/ only ~
・We were given nothing other than dry bread and water for our evening meal.
no bigger than~(=as small as) 〔no ~er than = as 反対の原級as ~〕
・This book is no bigger than you hand.(手ほどの大きさしかない。)
=This book is as small as your hand.
no less than(も多くの=as many/much as) / not less than(少なくとも=at least)
no more than(だけ=only, as little as) / not more than(せいぜい・たったの・多くとも=at most)
・There were not less than five thousand books in his library.
・We stayed in Paris for no more than three days.(3日間しか滞在しなかった。)
・I have not more than three dollars in my pocket.(せいぜい3ドルだけだ。)
・No less than fifty people were wounded in the accident.(50人もの人が怪我をした。)
・Not less than ten people will run for the next election.(少なくとも10人が立候補するだろう。)
・I have no more than five hundred dollars. I have only five hundred dollars.
・I have not more than five hundred dollars. I have at most five hundred dollars.
・I have no less than five hundred dollars. I have as much as five hundred dollars.
・I have not less than five hundred dollars. I have at least five hundred dollars.(少なくとも)
○no more than ~(~を超えるmoreと思ったがそうではないno・たったの~しかない・only・⊖⊕=否定的に訳す)
/ no less than ~(~を下回るlessと思ったがそうではないno・も・as much as, as many as・⊖⊖=肯定的に訳す)
/ not more than ~(~を上回るmoreことはありえない様子not・せいぜい・at most, at best, at the best・⊖⊕=否定的に訳す)
/ not less than ~(~を下回るlessことはありえない様子not・少なくとも・at least・⊖⊖=肯定的に訳す)
A is no less B than C is D. AがBであるのは、CがDであるのと同じだ。
/ CがDであるように、AはBである。 / no less than = as many as も
no less ~ than …(と同じように=as ~ as …)
♢A whale is no less a mammal than a horse is.(鯨は馬と同じように哺乳類である。)
・She is no less charming than her sister.= She is quite as charming as her sister
・Mercury is no less a metal than iron is.(水銀は鉄と同様、金属である。)
・Making good friends is no less important than making money.
・Tom is no less clever than his big brother. (兄に劣らず賢い)
=Tom is as clever as his big brother.
・This problem is no less difficult than that one.(あの問題と同じように難しい。)
=This problem is as difficult as that one.
A is no more B than C is D. = A is not B any more than C is D. / no more than = only
(AがBでないのは、CがDでないのと同じだ。/ CがDでないように、AはBでない。)
no more ~ than …(同じように~=not ~ any more than …)
・This problem is no more difficult than that one. (あの問題と同じように難しくない・簡単だ。)
= This problem is as easy as that one.
A is no more B than C is D (AがBでないのはCがDでないのと同じだ。)
=A is not B any more than C is D
♢A whale is no more a fish than a horse is.
=A whale is not a fish any more than a horse is.
・I can no more swim than a hammer can. (私が泳げないのは、金槌が泳げないのと同じだ。)
= I can’t swim any more than a hammer can.
・Even the brightest of chimpanzees can no more speak than they can fly.
・A home without love is no more a home than a body without a soul is a man.
・Ostriches can no more fly than horses can.(ダチョウは馬同様飛べない。)
・A grammarian has no more right to say how people ought to talk than a chemist has to say how molecules ought to act upon each other.
・I was not calm any more than you were.(あなた同様、私も冷静ではなかった。)
・Work is not the only object in life any more than play is.
・Sentences that sparkle can not spring from an empty person any more than milk can not spring from an empty pitcher.
not more ~ than ~(ほど~ない=not as ~ as ~)
・This problem is not more difficult than that one. (この問題はあの問題ほど難しくない。)
= This problem is not so/as difficult as that one.
(cf)no more ~ thanは比較の意味を否定して「~」の語を否定する。
He is no richer than I am. (彼は私同様、裕福ではない。)
(cf)no more than = only
not less ~ than ~ (まさるとも劣らず~=more ~ than …)
・This problem is not less difficult than that one. (あの問題にまさるとも劣らず難しい。)
= This problem is probably more difficult than that one.
no better than(にすぎない)
know better than to do(するほど馬鹿ではない・しないだけの分別がある)
・I know better than to do such a thing.(そんなことをするほど馬鹿ではない。)
no longer(もはや~ない) / other than ~ (~以外の) none the less for~(はあるがそれでも) /
none/no other than ~ (ほかならぬ) / sooner or later(遅かれ早かれ)
not ~ in the least/slightest(少しも~ない)=not ~ at all
A rather than B / not so much B as A / not B so much as A / more A than B
・He is a journalist rather than a scholar. = He is not so much a scholar as a journalist.
(彼は学者というよりもジャーナリストです。)= He is not a scholar so much as a journalist.
・Happiness depends not so much on circumstances as on one’s way of looking at one’s lot.
・Man is not the creature, so much as he is the creator, of circumstances.
・In such a case , it is often not the thought that strikes us as familiar so much as the way in which the thought is expressed.
・It is not so much from curiosity, for fun, or because they like to see things beautiful and strange, as out of a kind of snobbery.
・The important thing is not so much that every child should be taught as that every child should be given the wish to learn.
・Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life,
not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens.
・It is not his illness that ruined him so much as his idleness.(彼を破滅させたのは彼の病気というよりは、むしろ彼の怠惰である。=病気だからというよりも、むしろ怠惰であったからこそ彼は身を滅ぼしてしまったのだ。)(It is ~ thatの強調構文との組み合わせ)
・It is not so much what a man wears as the way he wears it that marks the born gentleman.(生まれながらの紳士を特徴づけるのは、何を身に着けているかということよりも、むしろどのようにそれを身に着けているかということである。)(It is ~ thatの強調構文との組み合わせ)
♢A whale is no more a fish than a horse is [a fish].
=A whale is not a fish any more than a horse is [a fish].
・A is no more B than C is D.
♢A whale is no less a mammal than a horse is [a mammal].鯨は馬と同様哺乳動物である。
・A is no less B than C is D.
The + ~er, the ~er.(すればするほど、それだけ一層~)
・The higher we climb, the colder it becomes.(高く登るにつれて、ますます寒くなる。)
・The sooner the better. (The sooner, the better.)
・The more the better.(The more, the better.)
・The more we know about her, the less we come to like her.(知れば知るほどますます嫌になる。)
・The less/least said about it the better. / Better leave it unsaid.
/ The less said, the better. (言わぬが花)
the taller of the two(2人のうちで背が高い方) / longer and longer(ますます長く) /
~ is more clever than indústrious. (勉強家というより、むしろ利巧者だ。)
~er than any other+単数名詞
・~is heavier than any other metal. (ほかのどの金属よりも重い。) /
Nothing is heavier than ~. / Nothing is so/as heavy as ~. / ~ is the heaviest of all the metal.
・Time is the most precious thing of all. / Time is the most precious of all things. / Nothing is more precious than time. / Nothing is so/as precious as time.(時間ほど貴重なものはない。)Time is more precious than any other thing. / Time is more precious than anything else. / There is nothing so/as precious as time.
・Nothing is as pleasant as the vacation that follows the examination. / The vacation that follows the examination is the most pleasant.(試験後の休暇ほど楽しいものはない。)
・Mt. Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan. / Mt. Fuji is higher than any other mountain in Japan.(富士山は日本のほかのどの山よりも高い)/ No [other] mountain in Japan is as high as Mt. Fuji. /No [other] mountain in Japan is higher than Mt. Fuji.
・Tom is the tallest boy in his class. / Tom is taller than any other boy in his class.
/ No (other) boy in his class is taller than Tom.
/ No (other) boy in his class is as tall as Tom.
・Peace is the most important thing. / Peace is more important than anything else.
/ Nothing is more important than peace. / Nothing is as important as peace.
the best way imaginable=the best imaginable way(考えられる最良の方法)
the most peaceful places imaginable(考えられる最も平和な場所)
☞「形容詞の最上級, all, every, no」+「名詞」の後につくimaginableは強調を表す。
every trouble imaginable(想像しうるあらゆる困難)
the second largest city (2番目に大きな都市) / the third best(3番目)
・Osaka is the second largest city in Japan, isn’t it?(2番目に大きい都市ですか。)
be second to none / be next to none(誰[何]にも劣らない)
・He is second to none in English.(英語に関しては誰にも劣らない。)
the last but one(最後から2番目)/ the last but two(最後から3番目)
・He was the last to arrive but one (最後から2番目に到着した。)
all the ~er for … (…なのでそれだけ一層~)=all the ~er because SV
all the better/more for ~ / all the better because SV(~があるからますます)
・He likes her all the better/more for her faults.(欠点があるからますます好きだ。)
= He likes her all the better because she has faults.
I like her none the less for her faults.(欠点があるけれど、それでも好きだ。)
other than ~(~以外の…)
・I have no tie other than this.(これ以外ネクタイを持っていない。)
none other than / no other than ~(~にほかならない)
・The gueset was none other than Madonna.(ゲストはほかならぬマドンナだった。)
none the ~er for … (…だからといって(それだけ)少しも~ではない)
・He seems none the happier for his wealth(金持ちであるとはいえ少しも幸福ではない。)
= He seems none the happier because he is wealty.
・He is none the wise for all his experience.(経験があるからといって利口なわけではない。)
= He is none the wise because he has much experience.
not so much A as B / not A so much as B / more of B than A (AというよりむしろB)
= B rather than A / more B than A
・He isnot so much a scholar as a journalist.
/ He is not a scholar so much as a journalist.
=He is a journalist rather than a scholar.(学者というよりもジャーナリストだ。)
・They seek not so much to know nature as to use it.
・She is more pretty than beautiful.(美しいというより可愛い。)
not so much as ~(さえしない)=not even
・He does not so much as polish his own shoes.(靴磨きさえしない)
・He cannot so much as write his own name.(彼は自分の名前を書くことさえできない。)
may/might as well do (した方がよい) =had better do
might as well A as B / would rather A than B / would sooner A than B
/ had as soon A as B
・A ship might as well strike a rock as an iceberg.
(cf)may/might well do / have good reason to do / have every reason to do
(するのももっともだ=It is natural that S [should] V)
to the last(最後まで)
・He insisted to the last that he was right.(自分は正しいと最後まで言い張った)
would rather A than B (BよりはむしろAしたい。)
・I would rather die than do such a thing.(そんなことをするくらいなら死んだ方がよい。)
know better (than ~ (ほど馬鹿ではない。)
・You should have known better (than do such a thing.(そんなことをしてはダメではないですか。)
=You should have had more sense than do such a thing.
= He is wise enough not to do such a thing.
The weather couldn’t be better for a picnic. =The weather is best for a picnic.
・The weather couldn’t have been better for a picnic.
=The weather was best for a picnic.
○as ~ asの比喩表現:
as tough as a leather (or old boots)皮のように堅い
as clear as day/daylight/noonday昼のように明るい・極めて明瞭な
as cool as a cucumber落ち着き払って・実に冷静で
(as) cross as a bear 非常に機嫌が悪い=like a bear with a sore head
(as) easy as ABC / (as) easy as anything /(as) easy as falling off a log
/(as) easy as pie /(as) easy as
(as) good as (a) play芝居のように面白い
as happy as a larkとても楽しい
(as) hard as stone石のようにかたい
as inspiring as cold pizza冷めたピザのように興ざめだ・陰気だ
(as) regular as clockwork規則正しい(時計仕掛けのように)
(as) sharp as a needle/razor/tack非常に利口な
as thin as waferきわめて薄い= wafer-thin(僅差の・きんさの)
as thin as a lathやせこけている
as wise as an owl梟のように利口な
《注意》・No other A is so/as ~ as …ほど~なAはいない
(=No other A is more ~ than…)
(=A is more ~ than any other …)
・not as/so bright as ~ほど賢くない
・Nothing is so/as ~ as Aほど~なものはない
(=Nothing is more ~ than A)
(=A is more ~ than anything else.)
(=A is the ~est of all.)
(cf) There is nothing like ~.に及ぶものはない・匹敵するものはない
There is nothing for it but to doするよりほか仕方がない