as ~ asを含む表現as+形容詞+ a/an+名詞+asに注意


as many ~同数の~…の部分の個数に対応

  (例)make ten mistakes in reading as many lines 朗読で10行で10の間違いをする

~ as much 等しく

~as such そういうものとして直前の名詞を受ける

~ as well もまた・その上

~times as large as~倍の大きさだ (=~times the size of ~)

(~time’s A’sの形で用いるのは「…」にamount, height, length, number, size, weightなどに限られる)

As we go up higher, it becomes colder. 高く登れば登るほど、一層寒くなる。

          =The higher we go up, the colder it becomes.

A as well as B  B同様にAも・AのみならずB

A such as B  BのようなA (=such A as B)

as [(conj) ので・とき・しながら・につれて・だけれど・いくら~しても・によると・するところでは]

[(prep)として・のような・ほど]  (Young as he is, = Though he is young,;  as he is young, / Try as he will, he can’t find a way out. = However hard he may try, he can’t find a way out. or No matter how hard he may try, he can’t find a way out.)

a beefsteak as tough as a leather (or old boots) ひどく堅いステーキ

   a rope twice as long as this oneこの2倍の長さのロープ

as ~as any … どんなのにも劣らぬくらい~

as ~ as anyone else 誰にも劣らず (=as ~ as the next fellow/man/person)

as ~ as can be この上もなく

as ~as ever 相変わらず~・古今稀な・これまでした誰にも劣らず一番~

as ~as ever lived これまでにいないくらい・とても~

as ~ as possible / as ~ as one can できるだけ~

as ~ as the next fellow/man/person誰にも劣らず・にかけては誰にもない

           (=as ~ as anyone else)

as ~ as they come とても~

as ~ as he is / (略式では)as ~ as him  と同じように~

as ~ goes する限り・~自体は

as SV, so S’V’ SVのようにS’V’ SV同様にS’V’

  As the moon moves around the earth/Earth,

     so the earth/Earth moves around the sun.   


as a catalyst 触媒として

as a courtesy to him のために・への好意として

As a doctor he was it. 医師として彼はまさに練達の人だった。

as against ~ に比べて

as A is B, so C is D  ABであるようにCDである

(as) a last resort[riz] 最後の手段として・結局 (= in the last resort)

as a last straw不幸続きの挙句の果てに

as alike as two peas (in a pod) うり二つ      pod:さや

as a matter of accommodation* 便宜上

(as) a matter of course 当然のこととして (=naturally)

        (cf)take it as a matter of course それを当然のことと思う

(as) a matter of fact 実を言うと・実際は・実のところは

as a matter of interest(UK) 興味本位に聞くが

as a matter of routine (=repeatedly)

as a (mere) matter of form形式上  (=for form’s sake)

as a no-frillsサービスや)余計なものを取り除いて

as an/one’s act and deed 後日の証拠として (署名の際の決まり文句

as a one-off 1回限りであれば

as a replacement 代用として(=in replacement of)

as a result その結果として(as the resultは誤用)

as a result of ~ の結果として

as a rule大抵 (=usually)

as a separate entity 独立した存在としての

as a (silver) platter 努力しないで、据膳(すえぜん)でplatter大皿)

as a token of ~  のしるしに・証拠に (=in token of ~)

as a tríbute of ~ の敬意の印として

as a whole全体として・総体的に  (cf) on the whole 一般に・概して (=generally)

(as) black as night 真っ黒で

(as) cheap as dirt 二束三文の・下品な

(as) clear/plain as day/daylight/noonday 昼のように明るい・極めて明瞭な

(as) clear as mud さっぱりわからない

(as) compared with ~ に比べれば・に比べて

as concerns ~ に関しては・については

as cool as a cucumber 落ち着き払って・実に冷静で

(as) cross as a bear 非常に機嫌が悪い (=like a bear with a sore head)

(as) cross as two sticks ひどく機嫌が悪い

(as) cunning/sly/wily/crafty as a fox キツネのようにずるい

(as) blind as an owl[au] 全く目が見えない

(as) dark as night 真っ暗で

as distinct from ~ と明瞭に異なって

(as) drunk as a fish / (as) drunk as a lord / (as) drunk as a fiddler / (as) drunk as a skunk(US)ぐでんぐでんに酔っ払って =be drunk and incapable / be dead drunk

     / be blind drunk / be beastly drunk / be stone drunk / be drunk back

(as) easy as ABC / (as) easy as anything /(as) easy as falling off a log

    / (as) easy as pie / (as) easy as winking 実に(いとも)簡単な・分かりきった

as/so far SV する範囲では  (cf)so far今までのところ=(as yet)

as far as ~ / all the way to ~(場所)まで

as/so far as SV (while, ifに置き換え不可)する限り

(cf) as/so long as SV (while, ifに置き換え可能)する限り・に関する限りでは・

     する間(=while)・しさえすれば(=only if, if only)

(cf)as long as SV する間・しさえすれば

     (as long asと違って、as far as while, ifに置き換え不可能)

as far as I can 私のできる限り

as far as I can see見渡す限り

as far as I know 私の知る限りでは=to the best of my knowledge

as faras I’m concerned 私に関して言えば・私に関する限りでは・私の意見では

as far as Osaka 大阪まで

as far as possibleできる限り

as fast as possibleできるだけ速く

as/so far as I am concerned / as for me

   / as regards me / for my part / personally 私に関する限り

as far as S is concerned に関する限りでは

as far as the eyes can reach 見渡す限り・目の届く限り

(as) firm as a vise [vais] 万力のようにしっかりと

as follows: 次の通りusu. 後にコロンをつける。非人称動詞のfollow

The report runs as follows: 報告は次の通り

as for~~に関しては・はどうかと言えば・について言えば・に関する限り(通常、文頭に用いる。

(= as/so far as S is concerned)

/ for one’s (own) part

as far as the eye can see 見渡す限り

as far back as ~ の昔に

as for/to ~に関しては・はと言えば

     (=about / concerning / in relation to) 文頭では、as for/to ~文中ではas to ~にする。

as/for éncore/encóre アンコールに答えて

as funny as a clown とっても面白い

as funny as cancer まるで面白くない

as ever 相変わらず

as evidenced by ~ によって明らかに分かるように

(as) happy as day is long この上もなく幸福な (=as happy as a king/lark

  / (as) happy as happy can be

as if / as though SV まるで~であるかのように 

     (cf)like so many ~sさながら~のように・まるで~のように・同数の~のように

As if one should ever do驚きや信じられないことを表して)絶対(決して)しない

(as) good as (a) play 芝居のように面白い

(as) good as gold 特に子供が)おとなしい・行儀が良い・(人が)とても親切な

as happy as a clamとても幸せだclam:ハマグリ

(as) happy as a lark/a king/Larry/a sand boy/a klam / (as) happy (as) the day is long

     / (as) happy as happy can be とても楽しい・非常に幸福な

as hard as the nether millstone 情け容赦のない

(as) hard as stone石のようにかたい

as her mother was / (堅い表現)as was her mother 母がそうであったように

(as) hungry as a bear/hunter 腹がぺこぺこで

as I advised 忠告したように

as if by magic 不思議なことに・たちまち

as if/though he knew everything まるで何でも知っているかのように

as if to say “No.” 「いいえ」と言おうとするかのように

as if tospeak まるで話そうとするかのように

as I have life確かに(=surely) 

as inspiring as cold pizza[pí:tsa] 冷めたピザのように興ざめだ・陰気だ

as it happens/happened たまたま・折りよく・あいにく(と)

as it has been wisely and wittily said 賢くうまく言われているように

as I see it 私が考えるところでは

as is 修理をしないままで・手を加えないで 

as is always the case いつものように

as is clear from the récord 記録から明らかであるが

as is evident with his accent,  アクセントから分かったことだが、訛りから明らかだが

as is expressed in ~ に表現されているように

as is often the case (with him) よくあることだが

as is the case (with ~/ in ~) (~には)よくあることだが

as is the case for ~ に当てはまることだが

as is usual (with him) よくあることだが

as is well known よく知られていることだが

as it is そのままに

as it is文頭で)実は・実際は(文尾で)そのままに・このとおりで

as it may chance 場合によって・事と次第で

as it now stands目下の所

as it stands現状では・そのままで・家具や装飾を含めて


as it turns out / as things turns out 結局のところ・判明したことだが

as it turned out / as things turned out 後で分かったことだが・結局のところ・結局

as it were いわば=(so to speak)

as large again as that 2倍の大きさ

(as) large/big as life (and twice as matural) ①実物大の・等身大の


     There he was, as large as life.まぎれもなく彼(本人)がそこにいた。

as late as 1100 時は下って1100

as like as chalk and cheese似て非なる・外見だけ似ていて全く違っている

     (=as different as chalk and/from cheese , alike as chalk and cheese)

as like as two peas in a pod 瓜二つ (=like two peas in a pod)

(as) likely as not(adv. ph.) あるいは~かもしれない・おそらく~だろう

as little as ever one can できるだけたくさん

as/so long as I live 生涯・一生涯・一生

as long as ten years 10年もの間

as/so long as you like いつまでも好きなだけ

as/so long as SV(while, ifに置き換え可能) ①する限り・する間(=while)

          ②しさえすれば(=only if, if only) ③なのだからUS(=since)

     (cf)as far as SVに関する限りでは

      (cf) as/so far as SVする限り (while, ifに置き換え不可)

as luck would have itたまたま・運よく・運悪く

as many ~s 同数の

as many again(数が)同じだけ・2倍だけ

    a good deal more, if not as many again  2倍か、または(それに近いほど)ずっと多くの

as many/much as ~ ほど多くの・もの多くの=no less than ~

        eat as many as five apples 5個も食べる

As might be expected, 当然のことかもしれませんが、

As might have been expected, 当然のことかもしれませんが、

As might be expected of a novelist, 小説家に期待されることだが、

as miserable as sin ひどく惨めな

as more information comes in 情報が入るにつれて

as much as ~ is worth の価値に匹敵するほど・を失うのも同じ

as much as ever S can  できるだけたくさん

as much as to say とでも言いたげに・と言わんばかりにto sayは目的を表す副詞的用法

          (=as who should say so)〔古〕