(as) near as one can do できる限りでは

(as) near as one can guess 察しうる限りでは

(as) obstinate/stubborn as a mule 極めて強情な (cf)muleラバ donkeyロバ

as of ~ 現時点で

as of March 3月現在で

as of now 現時点で

as often as not しばしば100回のうち少なくとも50回は

    (cf)more often than not100回のうち51回以上

as often as ten times 10回も

as old as Adam 太古からの・非常に古い

as one 一斉に・一体となって・一致して

as one man一致協力して

as one might expect 誰でも期待するように

as one’s way was / as was one’s way いつもそうであったように

as opposed to ~ に対するものとして

as people go 世間並みから言えば

as regards ~ については・の場合は・について言えば(= in the case of ~)

(as) regular as clockwork 規則正しい(時計仕掛けのように

as requested 請われるままに

   (cf)by request 要求(依頼)に応じて

   (cf)on request 要求次第で

as respects ~ に関しては・については

   (cf)in many respects 多くの点で

   (cf)in every respect, in all respects どの点から見ても・あらゆる点で

as seems likely ありそうなことだが

as scheduled予定通り

(as) sharp as a knife とても頭が切れる

(as) sharp as mashed potatoes すごく鈍い

(as) sharp as a needle/razor/tack 非常に利口な

(as) shiny as a lemon 肌がつややか

(as) smart as three pence / (as) smart as a fox  実に利口な

(as) solemn as an owl[au] ひどくとりすました

as soon as SV~ するとすぐに

(as) stated above上述の通り                 

(as) stubborn/obstinate as a mule 極めて強情な (cf)muleラバ donkeyロバ

as such それだけで・それとして・そういうものとして

  You may be treated as such. そういうものとして扱われかねない。

(as) sure as fate 確かに・必ず

as (sure as) I live 間違いなく・きわめて確かに

[Just] As SV, so SV. ちょうど~のように~

as the case may be 場合によって・事情次第で


as the case stands 今のところでは

as (the) occasion serves 機会があると

as the phrase goes いわば (=so to speak / as it were)

as the proverb goes/says 諺にある通り・諺によると (=as the saying goes/says)

as they perceived from his accent. (彼らは)アクセントから分かったことだが、

as they really are あるがまま

as thin as a cow すごく太っている

as thin as a rail とっても細い

as thin as waferきわめて薄い  (= wafer-thin) 僅差の(きんさの

as things are 現状では

as things stand / as matters stand / as affairs stand 現状で・そのままで

as things turns out 結局のところ・判明したことだが・後で分かったことだが

      (=as it turns out)

as thin as a lath やせこけている

(pl) laths [θs /ðz ] ラス・木舞(こまい・漆喰の下地にする細い木片

   as though SV/ as if SV  まるで~かのように

   talk as if he were/was an old man まるで老 人のような話し方をする

      looked as if he had seen a ghost 幽霊を見たかのような顔つきをしていた

      It looks as if it’s going to rain. 雨になりそうだ。(=It look like rain.)

  as to~(文頭で)については・はと言えば (=about / concerning / in relation to)

         (文中で)に関しては(= as for)・に応じて   

         (文頭では、as for/to ~文中ではas to ~にする。

   as touching ~ に関して

   as true as I’m alive 間違いなく・本当に

as ugly as sin ひどく醜い

as was expected 予想通り

as was one’s way / as one’s way was いつもそうであったように

as we are 今までどおり (Let’s go on as we are.今までどおりのお付き合いをしましょう。)

as well  もまた(=too)

as well as ~ と同様に・のみならず (A as well as B=not only B but also A)

as well / just as well 同様に

as who should say so〔古〕 と言いでもする人のように・と言わんばかりに

   (=as much as to say)

as wise as an owl [au]フクロウ(梟)のように利口な・とても賢そうな


as yet 今のところは・今までのところはまだ (=so far)

as you can see ご覧のとおり・お分かりのように

as you say そう言うのならそうします・そうでしょう

as you well know よくご存知のように

accept A as B ABと認める

and as such must be treated だからそれ相応に待遇されなくてはならない

be as close as wax 口が堅い [klous]

be as firm as a rock 岩のように動かない

be as good as it gets 最高にすばらしい

be as good as one’s word 約束を守る (=keep one’s promise)

be as good as ever 相変わらずよい・いつものようによい

be as nothing 何でもない・取るに足らない

be fine as far as it goes そこそこまではいける

be just as delicious (as ~)  と同様に美味しい

be just as well (as you are) 同様に元気だ

Boy as he is (=Though he is a boy) 少年だけれど

Choose such friends as can benefit you.


classify A as B ABとして分類する

consider A as B ABとみなす

define as ~ と定義する

define A as B  ABと定義する

describe A as B ABだと言う

Do as you like.好きなようにしなさい。

Do as you would be done by.自分がしてもらいたいように他人にもしなさい。

half as large as の半分の大きさだ

half as old again as he is 彼の年の1倍半である

identify A as B ABだと確認する・識別する・見分ける

  I have never seen such a ~ as this. 今までにこれ以上に~なものは見たことがない

       =I have never seen a  ~er … than this.

       =This is the ~est … that I have ever seen.

inasmuch as ~ のために・だから (=because, since) / の限りでは

in so far as SV  する限り  (=insofar as SV)

insofar as possibleできる限り

is as beautiful as can be この上もなく美しい

is as great a scientist as ever lived/was. [語順注意]


     (=is the greatest scientist that ever lived)

is as kind a girl as any 誰にもまして親切だ

is not as diffucult a question as it seemed  初めに思ったほど難しくない

Late as it was, (=Though/As it was late,) 遅いけれど

Leave it as it is/stands.そのままにしておきなさい。

like as two peas 瓜二つ

look as easy as eighty 優に80歳に見える

looked as young as ever 相変わらず若く見える

look on A as B ABとみなす

mark as ~として印をつける

may/might as well do (他にいい用法がないので)した方がよい

   =had better domay as well doより忠告・命令の意味が強い

  / It would be better for you to do

may (just) as well do する方がよい・した方がよい

      (cf)may very well do当然~する・~するのはもっともだ

      (cf)may/might well doするのももっともだ・多分~だろう

        =have good/every reason to do / It is natural that S [should] V

might (just) as well A as B  BするくらいならAする方がよい・BするよりAする方がよい

  =would rather/sooner A than B

  =would as soon A as B

  much as ~ 非常に~だけれど

Much as I like you, (=Though/As I like you very much,)

Much as I want to go (=Though I want to go)

No other A is so/as ~ as  …ほど~Aはいない

         =No other A is more ~ than…

         =A is more ~ than any other …

not as/so bright as ~ ほど賢くない

Nothing is so/as ~ as A  ほど~なものはない

   =Nothing is more ~ than A

   =A is more ~ than anything else.

   =A is the ~est of all.

   (cf) There is nothing like ~.に及ぶものはない・匹敵するものはない 

   There is nothing for it but to doするよりほか仕方がない

  Nothing goes as planned anyway.何事も予定通りには行かない。

not so much A as B / not A so much as B more B than A / B rather than A


    He is not so much a schlar as a writer./ He is not a scholar so much as a writer.


not so much as ~  (=not even)

      He cannot so much as write his own name. (自分の名前すら書けない。)

pay as you go現金で支払う・(税金を)源泉徴収で払う

   (cf) pay-as-you-go現金払い主義の

   pick up as ~ として識別する

   pose as ~ のふりをする(=pretend to do, pretend illness, pretend that SV)

Possessing as they do ~  この通り~を所有しているので

Pretty as you are, (=Though/As you are pretty,)

Questionable as it may be, はっきりしないが

regard A as B ABとみなす

      (=look on A as B / think of A as B / view A as B /consider O (to be) C)

scared as a rabbitウサギのように)びくびくして

serve as ~として役立つ・になる

serve as a counterpoint to ~ と対照をなす

serve as a president 社長の職に就く

so ~ as to do とても~なので・にも~する  (=~enough to do /  so ~ that S can V)

   so as to do するために  (=in order to do / so that S can/may V)

   spot A as B ABと見抜く

Standing as it does on the hill, このとおり、丘の上に立っているので

   strike A as B  ABであるという感じを与える A: B: adj.

such ~ as… / ~ such as… / as ~ 例えば…・のような~(~like…)

   such A as B BのようなA=A such as B

   such a man as he=a man like him 彼のような人

   Such as? 例えばどんな。

   ~, such as it is / ~, such as they are


   such books as will be useful 役に立つ本

take ~ as certain を確実だと考える

take things as they are/come 物事をあるがままに受け取る

There is no such thing as ~. といった(そんな)ものはない・といった(そんな)ことはない

There is such a thing as ~.ということもありうる(あるからね)。(脅し文句)

think as much そんなことだろうと思う よくないことについて

think of A as B ABとみなす

Try as she would, (=However hard she might try,)

Try as you will, you can’t find a way out.


  (=However hard you may try, you can’t find a way out.)

  twice as large as 2倍の大きさだ

  read A as B ABと訂正して読む

  use as short a word as possible できるだけ短い語を使う

  view A as B ABとみなす

  would as soon A as B BするくらいならAしたほうがましだ (= would rather A than B)

  without not so much as ~ingすらしないで

  Young as he is, (=Though he is young, / As he is young,)