一致の法則 rules of concord
・More than one man has been dismissed.(幾人もの人が解雇された。)
・More than one person was standing there.(2人以上)
・A year and a half has passed since he went to the U.S.A. (1年半)
(cf) One and a half years have passed since he went to the U.S.A.(1年半)
(cf) Many a young man has tried and failed.(多くの若者)
0.8 ton of water is ~.(0.8トンの水)
(1)主語に1人称を含む場合: 1人称(we, our,us)で受ける
Jack and I began to do our work.
(2)主語に2人称を含む場合: 2人称(you, your)で受ける
I like you and Tom because you are diligent.
(3)主語に3人称を含む場合: 3人称(they, their, them)で受ける
Jack and Bill have finished their work.
I and mine are all well.(私と家族はみな元気だ。)
Bread and butter is enough. (バターつきのパン)
Pen and ink is used for that purpose. (ペンとインク)
A watch and chain was stolen.(鎖のついた時計]
A watch and a chain were stolen. (鎖と時計)
Both (of) the books, these books, those books are mine (両方・これら・あれら)
Early to bed and early to rise is good for your health. (早寝早起き)
Slow and steady wins the race. (急がば回れ。)
Every desk and [every] chair was to be repaired. (どの机と椅子も)
The rich are not always happy. (金持ち)
My family are all early risers. (家族はみんな)
My family often goes on a picnic. (わが家)
Fifty dollars a month is a small sum to him. (月50ドル)
Seventy dollars a week is not much. (週に70ドル)
The number of books students read in a month is decreasing. (冊数)
Another three hours was / were spent.(さらに3時間)
Another fifty minutes has/have passed. (さらに50分)
Five and three make(s) eight. (5+3)
Two from five leaves three.(5-2;減法は通常、単数扱い)
Four divided by two makes two.(4÷2;除法は通常、単数扱い)
Three times five is/are/make/makes 15. (3×5)
Three times five eggs are 15 eggs. (5個×3)
Another means was tried. (別の手段)
Other means were tried. (他の手段)
Most of my time is spent in reading. (時間の大部分)
Most of my books are novels (本の大部分)
The police exist to protect society. (警察)
Half of the money was wasted. (お金の半分)
Half of this book isworth reading. (この本の半分)
Half (of) the books here were written in French. (ここにある本の半分)
All[物・事] was quiet in the neighborhood. (あらゆるもの)
All[人] were silent at the breakfast table. (全員)
Is there any (ink) left? (インク)
There seem to be a lot of students in the gymnasium. (多数の生徒)
Are there any (eggs) left? (卵)
Here’s some cookies. (クッキーが少し)
None of those apples are ripe. (あれらのリンゴはどれも)
None of the icecream is left. (アイスクイリームはどれも
Everyone has to bring his or her registration card.(誰もが)
One should make his [her][his or her][his/her] plans carefully. (人は)
It is I who am to blame. (非難されるのは私)
Three months is too long to wait. (3か月)
Fifty miles is not a great distance in these day of air travel. (50マイル)
The crew of the ship were all saved yesterday.(船の乗組員)
A large/great/small number of people were present at the lecture. (大勢・少人数)
John with his parents has left for Rome. (両親を伴ったジョン)
Two pounds of coffee costs sixty pence. (コーヒー2ポンド)
Two-thirds of the gasoline has already been used. (ガソリンの3分の2)
Three-fourth of the earth’s surface is water. (地球の表面の4分の3)
Three-fourth of the apples were stolen. (リンゴの4分の3)
The United States has a large population. (USA)
“Guliver’s Travels” was written by Jonathan Swift. (「ガリバー旅行記」)
Mathematics is a difficult subject for me. (数学)
Their son and heir was dead. (相続人である彼らの息子;同一人物)
All coming and going was forbidden.(往来の全員)
Bread and butter is part of my breakfast.(バターつきのパン)
Anderson and Company has purchased a new site. (アンダーソン商会)
Many a man has made the same mistake. (大勢)
More than one person is involved in this.(2人以上;1.5 < 2.0)
Every one of us desires peace. (私たちの誰もが)
Every train, bus and airplane was very crowded. (あらゆる電車、バス、航空機)
Each of the rooms of this hotel has its own bathrooms. (このホテルの部屋はどれも)
Each of them is ready to go. (各々)
Either you or I am to go. (君か私のどちらか)
Either you or I am to blame. (君か僕のどちらかが悪いのだ。)
=Either you are to blame or I am to blame.
Is either of you going to town? (あなた方のどちらか)
Neither sentence is correct. (どの文も)
Neither you nor I am in the wrong. (君も私も)
He as well as I is to go. (私同様、彼も)
Not only the students but [also] their teacher wishes for holidays. (生徒らも先生方も)
Not you but I am to read a paper.(君ではなく私)
The daughter, as well as the sons, is still in school
Either the boy or his brothers have lost the key.
Neither his mother nor his father was present at the meeting.
Neither she nor her sisters are married.
I want each of you to do his/your best.
Nobody likes his friends to betray him.
Has anyone a watch he can lend me?
Neither of us had broken our word.
The couple are happily married. (その夫婦; 2人に個々について言及するときは複数扱い)
The couple has two children of their own. (その夫婦; ひと組と考えるときは単数扱い)
The couple was/were dancing. (その夫婦)
Ant after ant comes out from the hole. (A after Aは一般に、単数扱い)
Mixed seeds such as cracked corn, peanuts, and sunflower seeds, are popular feed* for winter birds.
We shall not need any more bread, what we have is quite sufficient. (what=that which)
We shall not need any more apples, what we have are quite sufficient.
☞what =those which, the things which)
Whether these problems are causes ‐or results ‐of alcohol abuse is not yet clear.