get+過去分詞(past participle):(突然あるいは思いがけなくなされたという意味合いがある)
get hurt 怪我をする
get tired of the work 仕事がいやになる
get acquainted with ~ 知り合いになる (cf) become ~
get excited 興奮する
get dressed 服を着る
get drunk 酔っ払う
get discouraged 勇気がなくなる
get entangled もつれに巻き込まれる
get married 結婚する
get slapped ぴしゃりと殴られる
get dismissed 解雇される
get used to ~ing/noun に慣れてくる
get lost (=go away) / get broken / get damaged / get built / get opened
/ get dressed / get caught by the police / get hit by a ball / get invited to the party / get attacked(襲われる) / get washed / get confused / get divorced / get engaged // get my teeth pulled / get my watch repaired / get my hair cut / get packed
/ get tested / get paid (給料をもらう・うまく盗む)
[Get + past participle seems to be used particularly in two cases:
(1) when we are talking about things that are done suddenly, unexpected of by accident, and (2) when we are talking about things which we ‘do to ourselves’ (like getting dressed) —action which are reflexive rather than passive.]