duringを含む表現: (=all through)
for +数詞などのついた期間(for a month1か月間)・during+定冠詞などのついた特定の期間(during the monthその月の間)。
不定の期間を示すときにはduringを用いない・その1週間during the weekと1週間の間for a weekとを区別
・ただし、the last two weeks / the past two weeks / the next two weeksの場合はduring/inどちらも使用可能)
/ age:長期を指し、支配的な人物や勢力、制度、特色などと関連する。石器時代the Stone Age
/ era:新事態に入った時代。原子力時代the era of atomic energy
/ epoch:あるeraの始まりを指す。eraとepochは交換可能。エネルギー革命の時代the epoch of the energy revolution
during a counter terrorism drill 反テロ演習中
during good behavior 不都合な行為のない限り
during investigations 調査中 =pending(prep) investigations
during lunch break 昼休みの間に
during a luncheon 昼食中に(特に接待などの)
during an isolation period 隔離期間中に
during a performance 演技中に
during a press interview / during a news conference記者会見中に (in an interview会見で)
during a sleepless stretch of the night 眠れない夜
during a visit to Tokyo 東京訪問中に
during collisions 衝突のとき
during her reproductive lifetime 子供が産める時期に
during/in his absence 留守中に
during his stay here 当地に滞在中に
during his stay in London ロンドン滞在中 =while he is staying in London
during its weeklong deliberations 1週間の審議中
during morning rush hour 朝のラッシュ時に
during normal use of ~ を通常に使用中に
during/in one’s absence がいない間 =in the absence of ~
during/in one’s life 存命中・これまで・生まれてこの方・生きている間に
during one’s service 在職中・現役中 =on service
during one’s term of/in office 任期中に
during one’s youth 若いころ=early in life
during/in summer 夏に(通常、during the summer, in during summer, in the summer)
during takeoff and landing 離着陸の間
during/in the afternoon 午後のうちに (cf) for an afternoon
during the Cold War 冷戦中
during the cooling period 寒冷期に
during the course of long history 長い歴史の中で
during the crisis 危機の続いている間
during the day 昼間
during the earthquake 地震の最中に
during the Edo Period 江戸時代に
during the entrance ceremony 入学式で
during/in the fifth stage of the Dakar Rally ダカール・ラリーの第5ステージで
during the First and Second World Wars 第1次・第2次大戦中に
during the flight 飛行中に
during the game 試合中
during the Golden Week holiday season /during the Golden Week holidays ゴールデン・ウィークに
during the holidays 休日の間に
during /in the last decade この10年間に
during the lecture 講義中
during the lesson/ during (the) class 授業中に
during the light 明るいうちに
during the long órdeal [ɔ: /dí:l] 長い体験中
during the meal 食事の間中
during the meeting 会議中に(活動を表す語にはinを用いない)
during the night 夜中に
during the ninth inning 9イニングで
during the opening ceremony 開会式で
during the operation 手術中
during the past one month 過去1か月間 =all through the past one month
during the performance 公演中に
during the proceedings 進行している間
during the second oil crisis 第2次石油ショックのとき
during the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks 同時多発テロ以来
during the September-November period 9~11月期に
during the Spanish-American War 米西戦争中に
during the storm 嵐の間
during the summer 夏の間中
during the summer vacation 夏休み中に
during the time of such negotiations 上記の交渉期間中(法律文・通信文で)
during/in the top of the ninth inning(s) 9回の表に
during/in the bottom of the ninth inning(s) 9回の裏に
during the vacation 休暇中
during the week その週の間 (cf) for a week 1週間
during the weekend 週末中
during the whole month of May 5月いっぱいは
during the year-end holiday season 年末年始の休暇中に
during this century 今世紀中に
during this period この時代に
during this unstable period この不安定な時期に
during the training トレーニング中に