between 2010 and 2020 2010から2020までの間に
(通常、両端の数を含む。between 2010-2020はtoを含むため誤用。)
between 30 and 40 years old年齢が30と40の間
between A and BAやらBやらで・AとBの間に(between A, B and Cのこともある)
between ourselves / between you and me / between you, me and the gatepost / between you, me and the lamplost / between you, me and the bed post
between whiles時折・合間に・時々
between you and I(誤用)内緒だが
a child between its parents両親に挟まれた子供
(=a child between its father and mother)
a passageway between two rooms 2つの部屋を繋ぐ通路
divide ~ between the two sons 息子2人で分ける
eat between meals 間食する
(few and) far between ごくまれに
far between ごくまれに
from between 間から
in between 間に・中間に・合間に
in between times 合間合間に
inequality between the rich and the poor 貧富間の不平等
interaction between/among~ との間の相互作用
(cf) interaction with~ との相互作用
make a distinction between A and B AとBの区別をする
own ~ between the brothers 兄弟で所有する
shades between pink and red ピンクと赤の中間色
sit between him and her の間に座る
something snow and rain 雪とも雨ともいえないどっちつかずのもの
stand between his brothers 間に立つ
the air service between London and Tokyo ロンドンと東京の間の航空便
the choice between the two 二者間の選択
the marriage between Mr. A and Miss B A氏とBさん(嬢)の結婚
The three nations settled the differences between them.
the two days between Sunday and Wednesday
with ~ between 間に~を挟んで
(例)the two houses with a parking place between間に駐車場を挟んだ2軒の家