3 against 5 5対3
5 to 4 against 5対4で不利
against a backdrop of ~ を背景に
against a black sky 暗い空を背景にして
against a blue sky 青空を背景にして
against one’s will 意志に反して・心ならずも
against a current/stream/tide 流れ(潮・時流)に逆らって
against the evening sky 夕空を背にして
against the law 法に反して・違法で
against the winter 冬に備えて
a conspiracy against the government 政府打倒の陰謀
as against ~ に対比して・に対照して・に比べて
Are you for or against the plan? 計画に賛成か反対か。
be against one’s principle 主義に反している
by a majority of 30 against 10 10対30という大差で
commit blasphemy against ~[blásfemi] に対して冒涜を犯す
discriminate against women 女性差別をする
draw against merchandise shipped 発送した商品の代金として(手形)を振り出す
Fortune ran (up) against him. 彼は運が悪かった。
go/swim against the current of the times 時勢に逆らう・世間に逆らった言動をとる
(ant) go/swim with the current of the times
guarantee a new car against rust 新車の錆に対して保証する
hit/strike his head against the wall 壁に頭をぶつける
lean against the wall 壁に寄りかかる・もたれる
over against ~ ①と向き合って・の真向かいに ②と比べて・と対比して
level against ~(非難を)~ に浴びさせる
Passengers are warned against pickpockets. すりにご用心
pit A against B AをBと戦わせる・取り組ませる
rise against the government 政府に反抗して立ち上がる
rub a knife against the smooth rock 平らな石でナイフを研ぐ
sail against the wind 風に逆らって帆走する
speak against a proposal 提案に反対して演説する
stand with his back against the wall 壁に背をもたれて立つ
There was no evidence against him. 彼に不利な証拠は何もなかった。
the war against Napoleon 対ナポレオン戦争
vote against 反対票を投じる(adv)
write a check against on e’s bank account 銀行口座から小切手でお金を下ろす